This blog was mainly created to be a resource for incoming law students, but specifically for first-generation students. I will be posting about how I am moving through law school.  When I first started law school, I could not find any major bloggers in the United States who looked like me and were attending law school. Law school is a long three (or four) years of a person’s life; it's nice to step into it with an idea of how to make the most out the time spent there. I'm here to help you with that. 

Outside of law school, I also love fashion, art and fitness, so I will be posting on those topics as well. I am not an expert in art, fashion or fitness, but I do know quite a lot about it. I will be posting different outfits I am wearing, different workouts I am doing, and different artist (musicians, sculptors, painters, poets, etc.) who I think are enlightening. In this section of my corner, I will also be sharing different books and tv shows that I recommend you check out. 

I created this blog to connect with other people across the globe who are interested in staying active in their communities and improving their personal/professional lives. I will be chronicling the different events, issues, and changes that are occurring in the two cities that I call home (Sacramento and Los Angeles). I will also be discussing global issues, and sharing the different ways I think we can contribute to making this world a better place. 

I also love quotes, so you will randomly see quotes throughout this website.